
The internet of things suffolk project



The Internet of things Suffolk project’s goal is to raise awareness and use of the newly implemented LoRaWAN network being installed across Suffolk. The project designed and delivered by Creative Computing Club in partnership with Suffolk County Council and MLL Telecoms will provide over a hundred young people in Suffolk the opportunity to learn about and design uses for the new LoRaWan network.

The Creative Computing Club CIC set up in 2012 has worked with several thousand young people across Suffolk, helping them to engage in worthwhile and inspiring technology-based activities. Through its informal and non-competitive environment, it has allowed them to gain confidence and qualifications in areas that interest them the most and are relevant to today's tech sector needs.

More specifically the Creative Computing Club has a considerable experience running projects with LoRaWAN and was one of the first LoRaWAN Gateways in Ipswich.

Allowing early adopters to connect and build projects to raise awareness of its capabilities.

The project

The project itself has four phases.

Training: The Creative Computing Club has an excellent reputation in delivery training to young people. During this phase over sixty young people across Suffolk will be taught the fundamentals of LoRaWAN and get to use some existing gadgets and applications that take advantage of the network.

Brainstorming: The Creative Computing Club will facilitate the creation of several

different design projects created by the young people to fully explore the positive uses of the new LoRaWAN network.

Selection: The Creative Computing Club will run a group wide internal competition to select five projects to go forward to a Suffolk-wide competition.

Competition: The Creative Computing Club will run a Suffolk-wide competition with all of the group winners. Approximately 5 teams in total. Culminating in an awards presentation ceremony in Ipswich or online, when and where applicable. Venue to be provided by the Suffolk County Council.



The groups will be made up of five to ten students, who can either work alone or form groups around their ideas. The students will be from around all of Suffolk with every area represented as best as practically possible.

The Creative Computing Club has delivered online projects with groups all across the UK in the past and has had significant outcomes from those projects. These groups will also help generate a good amount of public engagement and awareness across Suffolk.

The project itself will be press launched in late January and will have a strong social media presence with photos and videos until its completion in March.

The administration and logistics will begin from late January to confirm delivery logistics with group.

The training sessions will start in February culminating in an award ceremony in late March/April.


Winter Gritting in Norfolk’s road surfaces

Temperature monitoring sensors were embedded in some of Norfolk's road surfaces.


loRaWAN Sensors in supported housing

LoRaWAN sensors installed to monitor residents on care plans in supported housing.


LoRaWAN Mapper Plus Application

Coderus developed two Android LoRaWAN Mapper Plus Applications built for the IOT Network Mapper.